Even though the room was rather spacious, it was furnished with polished bwood/b of a beautifull auburn colour and a carpet laid across the whole ground, motives of flowers and plants adorning it in sophisticated ornaments. b...../b Since it was still a bit early to go to sleep, they headed into the bhotel/b bar for a drink or two and only two hours later retreated to their room. bLord/b Weller went into the bath first, as always, his wife following him afterwards. ...
These were the high elf blords/b? Merefini wondered. This unlovely band of squabbling, impetuous teenagers? These were the same blords/b who'd thwarted, again and again, the uprisings of the bwood/b elves? The same blords/b who ruled the land b..../b Wouldn't that be enough to convince his father, bLord/b Halebury Wintershield, to give his bestate/b and title to his youngest son? Audrey was a nice elf, but hardly lordship material. If only Tarquin could convince the dark elves to join him. ...